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Video Shoot and Marketing Service  


This is an advanced low cost marketing solution for small business owners that fullty leverages on existing state of the art marketing technologies to bring any small business owner tremendous value for money in business exposure.


1. Video Production

We will send a cameraman and any required actors to any required locations.
We will write all scripts.
We will set up lighting and green screen (if required).
We will professionally edit all video to produce a television commercial.
We will include company logos.

Estimated value = $1500 to $2500

2. Google Online Marketing

We will setup Google Local Business placement
We will build online Google profile and attach the video
We will setup You Tube video channel and begin You Tube promotion mechanism.

Estimated Value = $500

3. Google TV Nationwide Advertising

We will submit TV ad to nationwide networks such as CNN and FOX via the Google TV network program.

Estimated Value = $750

4. Local Cable TV Advertising

We will submit and arrange local advertising on local cable TV channels via discounted local cable programming options.

Estimated Value = $750

5. Training Package

Our training package informs the business owner how to organically grow their online profile for increased future exposure.

Estimated value = $750

Current Special Pilot Program Offer

We are currently offering Atlanta metro small businesses options 1., 2., and 5. for a sum total of only $175.00








i-Zone-3 Technologies, Incorporated.